Planning a trip has never been easier. Below are the steps we follow at Concierge Sedona to ensure you get the most out of your visit to Sedona.
Reach out to me by filling out the form below with what you’re looking for on your trip to Sedona, how many people are joining you on your trip, and what you like to do! This includes hiking, dining, accommodation requests, activities, entertainment, etc. Once I gather your information, I’ll reach out to you to schedule a consultation call. During that call, we’ll discuss your preferences and what Sedona can offer you. An initial 15-minute consultation costs only $9.99.
Based on the preferences you listed in your contact form I will build out an itinerary that will best serve you and provide you with the best experience while you are here in Sedona. Once we confirm the itinerary during our consultation call, I will go ahead and start setting up your reservations so that all that’s left for you to do is pack and travel!
Once you have your itinerary built out, you’ll be able to pack and prepare for every step of your trip to Sedona. Use the itinerary to pack what you’ll need for your trip; for example, if you plan to hike, bring hiking boots and comfortable clothing!
Sedona awaits you. Now that you’re packed and your trip is scheduled and reserved, all that’s left is your travel. We can’t wait to see you!
Our comprehensive list of preferred vendors and select partners in Sedona is coming soon!
Connect with us today to schedule your consultation!
Phone: 928-707-4807
Business Hours: Mon -Fri: 8am-5pm
Sat - Sun: Appointment